Hey Nurse!

😢 Terrified of going to work because you’re an imperfect human and the odds are stacked against you?  

😢 Trying to hold it together but end up crying in the med room or in your car, slowly and silently losing another piece of who you are…

😢 Feel like a failure because you feel dead inside, besides…nothing you do seems to be good enough? 

😢 Overwhelmed and anxious, unsure of if you should leave your job, your profession, or go back to school? 

😢 Want to walk out and never come back….and then beat yourself up later for feeling that way?

Your mind swimming with thoughts like….

am I the only one who feels this way?

is this really NurseLife?!

What if I said you could be a nurse and

  • 😃

    Thrive in your career instead of just sucking it up, pushing harder, and hoping you don’t break

  • 😃

    Boost clarity and energy so you can make the next best decision for your career and your life 

  • 😃

    Be fulfilled and hopeful knowing you’re honoring yourself, your needs, and feeling like yourself again

  • 😃

    Increase calmness and peace by improving your work/life balance and giving back to those that mean the most to you

  • 😃

    Improve confidence and resilience so you can protect yourself and your space, regardless of what’s happening around you. 

  • 😃

    Experience real hope knowing you don’t have to go through it alone….you have peers that understand exactly where you’re at because they’ve been there too!

You don’t have to stay trapped anymore….

🤯You can be a nurse and be happy!🤯

 Listen, I’ve been there too…

^^ This was me ^^

Don’t let the smile fool you….I was exhausted, drained, and ready to walk-out….

I’ll never forget the day I sat across from Juliana hearing her tell me that I had the ability to change things.  I remember thinking asking myself wtf she was talking about and how that was possible?! I felt hopeless and didn’t know how to get out of the rut I was in. 

Let’s be real…it was like David going against Goliath.

How was I supposed to change anything while I stayed in nursing?

I was burned out, drained, morally injured….to say the very least.

The thought of going back to school was daunting, and besides...what would I really go back for?

  • None of the advanced degrees were really anything I cared about.

  • Did I want to take out more student loan debt?

  • I could always leave nursing, but what would I really do?

  • What did I even like?  

I felt stuck and didn’t know what to do. 

I was drowning


Dream it


Dream it 〰️

  • Name

    Learn the basics so you can feel calm, more at peace, and in control

    Move stuck emotions so you can feel lighter, freer, and move past what’s holding you back

    Decrease overthinking and ovewhelm so you can finally sleep at night....or sleep more peacefully

  • Name

    Protect resilience so you can slow burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral injury

    Improve time management skills so you can make time for what’s really important to you

    Decrease overwhelm and stress by not taking on so much and then telling yourself to suck it up...there’s a better, easier way

    Increase confidence so you can speak up for you....without becoming feeling guilty

  • Name

    Enhances other self-care techniques so you can get the most out of your efforts

    Become more present so you can enjoy living in the moment and make your days off even better

    Recognize problems sooner so you don’t wind up ready to quit and wonder how it got so bad

  • Name

    Recenter yourself so you can help decrease burnout and feel refreshed

    Reconnect with your spiritual side to preserve and renew your hope

    Decrease stress so you can better focus and enhance your mental clarity

  • Name

    Attract more of what you want so you can get out of your rut

    Feel more confident performing tasks at home and at work

    Decrease overwhelm of constant negativity so you can feel more optimistic and hopeful

  • Name

    Improve communication skills so you can better realize and communicate what you want

    Improve problem solving so you can decrease overwhelm

    Sleep better knowing you got things off your chest instead of burying it and pretending it doesn’t exist


2 Bonus Modules


Helps release stored tension so your body can stay strong 

Combine this with other techniques to decrease stress, release tension, and naturally sleep more soundly at night 

Enhance mental clarity and mood so you can feel hopeful, positive, and more like the whole person you are 


Decrease isolation recognizing you aren’t alone...you’re not the only one in this boat! 

Connect with others like you so you can decrease stress and increase emotional support 

Increase confidence and sense of belonging surrounding yourself with others who already get where you’re at....you don’t need to explain it! 


A FREE 60 minute strategy session with me!

(psst…the strategy session alone is usually $200)

What real people are saying


I usually can’t get my mind to slow down or stop. It’s constantly moving. During the breathwork I was able to relax and I felt peace.

-RN Supervisor

I was having trouble finding motivation and just laying around the house. I was having frequent panic attacks and worried everywhere I went. It started to effect my marriage. After coaching and doing breathwork, I can get myself out of panic attacks. Christen helped me turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts and the breathing really helped calm my body. I was so relaxed I fell asleep!

-Pharmacy tech


While breathing, I was able to let somethings go I was holding on to.

-RN Case Manager

This program is for nurses struggling with

  • Nurselife-the struggle is real!

  • Drowning and ready to walk out

  • Being overwhelmed and scared...you're only human!

  • Feeling guilty for saying no!

  • Burnout/Moral Injury/Compassion Fatigue

  • Actually doing self-care you know you need...then beating yourself up for not doing it later

This sounds great and I know I should probably do this but…

  • 😥I don't have time

    Perfect! One of the biggest reasons people hire coaches is for help with time management!

    Besides, when will you have time for you?

    You’re here because you know you need something and I guarantee not making enough time for you is one of the reasons you’re on my page.

  • 🤨It cost too much

    So does coffee, nails, hair, travel, botox, drinks, cute scrubs, and all the other nurselife “necessities.”

    Oh…and let’s not forget the potential career change or new student loans to go back to school, am I right?!

    You’re going to pay for something. So many nurses forget to budget self-care…for the inside.

    The outside isn’t enough.

    Why not invest in you so you can protect your resilience, find clarity to make the next best decision for you, and enjoy life while you’re paying the bills!

  • 🖕 I've already decided I'm leaving, I don't need this...

    Ummm…hard disagree! Sometimes the best decision for someone IS to leave.

    But…these decisions are usually made when you’re feeling down, beat up, and you just can’t take it anymore.

    You don’t want to:

    Start something new carrying baggage to another career,


    Make a snap decision to go back to school only to realize you didn’t actually want to do this but now you have more student loan debt so now you feel stuck again…only worse!

You get…


👩‍⚕️Self-care tools every week for 8 weeks

👩‍⚕️Accountability so you’ll actually do it instead of beating yourself up and getting further in a rut 

👩‍⚕️Community support among peers

👩‍⚕️2 bonus modules 

👩‍⚕️60 minute strategy session

More love….

  • 🥰🩺❤️

    I have a hard time letting my guard down and I felt safe to really open up to Christen.

    -ER RN

  • 🥰🩺❤️

    Christen helped me see things I didn’t even know were there. Plus she ended my coaching session with a fun card reading and that was really inspirational!

    -Pharmacy Tech

  • 🥰🩺❤️

    I didn’t realize how much I needed this.

    -ICU RN

You matter and you’re important too!

It’s time to take care of you.

I understand nursing and bedside nurse life.

You don’t have to explain it to me because I’ve lived it!

I started from the bottom, from:


Associate’s to Bachelor’s,

even a lil’ Doctorate time in school

I’ve been a nurse 20+ years, spending 18 of those years doing direct….patient….care.

I know how to go from just surviving in nurselife to creating a thriving, happy, and fulfilled life….I didn’t have to leave nursing to do it! I’m still a nurse!

I've made it my mission to empower nurses and to support nurses empowering other nurses using the same techniques I used to empower myself and others around me. I know what it's like to lose yourself, I also know what it takes rediscover myself and reclaim my life.

Common Questions

  • 🤔 Is this online or in person?

    Online. I will be doing in-person events but right now this one is only offered online through Zoom

  • 🤔 How often do you meet?

    Only a week for 8 weeks

  • 🤔 How long are the meetings?

    Just 1 hour, and believe me…you’re worth at least 1 hour!

  • 🤔 I work nights...

    Yea, I get it.

    I did to for several years…

    Don’t worry, I have nightshift friendly hours as well.

  • 🤔 Can I still do this if I'm not a nurse?

    Of course!

    These groups can benefit more than just nurses.

    You’ll still get benefits from the content you can apply in ways that make the most sense for you!

  • 🤔 I want to do it, but I don't have a set schedule

    All the training will be recorded so if you can’t make it live, you’ll still be able to get the training and see what you missed!

Sign up!

You get:

6 modules $750

Bonus modules valued at $400

60 minute strategy session $200


Sign up now for only

